I am sooo exhausted.
and I have no idea why.
I'm just so sleepy.
last night, I slept at 7:30.
not in the morning, in the EVENING.
which is crazy early.
and then I woke up at 3am and dilly dallied.
and then I went back to sleep and woke up again at 8am to leave to Eening's house.
spent the day with Eening, Kat and Wen Chien.
had loads of fun :D
with Jang Geun Suk as wellll!
after that, we went to Jiann Lee's house warming.
lots of laughter there.
but then I left pretty early.
went to Backyard with the parents.
and was going to fall asleep.
maybe I actually did!
and now, I officially have the Killers Live at the Royal Albert Hall dvd!
GAHHH, thanks, Katttt!
and I'm trying to burn a disc, and it's burning okay.
but then, once it reaches 66%, it gets problematic.
I have wasted about 5 dvds on that dumbass show -.-
sleep I shall.
going to school tomorrow. -.- at 11am! ekkk.
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